This blog is a result of the many hours spent on watching
nature. The photos here were taken by my husband, Piotr, and me during our trips.
Hope you'll enjoy!

Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Are you hungry folks?

For more birds don't forget to visit World Bird Wednesday


Unknown said...

Great shots Joo. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada

Bob Bushell said...

The House Martin is a beauty.

TexWisGirl said...

such sweet little swallows!

mick said...

Great photos - those birds can make a home anywhere!

theconstantwalker said...

They have a lovely home...beautiful birds to see Joo.

eileeninmd said...

Cute shots and lovely birds.

FAB said...

Lovely shots of 'home sweet home'.

Giga said...

Cudowne jaskółeczki. Pozdrawiam

holdingmoments said...

I love seeing these House Martins around Joo.

Springman said...

How did you know I was hungry!? Gosh, that is a sturdy looking abode!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

If they feed their babies as well as they build their house, their family should do very well!!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

If they feed their babies as well as they build their house, their family should do very well!!

Reena said...

love those swallows!

Malgorzata Ingstad said...

No widzisz - to gniazdko jest pewnie pod dachem i ptaszeczki nie mokna w tej waszej (przejsciowej, powiedzmy) aurze. W Gdyni swieci zawsze slonce(bo tu jest moje dziecinstwo) - nawet czasem za duzo tego dobrego. Dzieki za komentarzyk i wysylam Ci wiache promykow slonecznych. Pa!

Arija said...

Lovely feeding swallow shots that Piotr took. Beautiful mud nest.

Cezar and Léia said...

Very smart and beautiful bird there!
Great pictures!

Hilke Breder said...

Nice shots of a swallow family, Joo. They have built for the future. That nest will house many more generations!

EG CameraGirl said...

I enjoy watching swallows come and go from their mud homes.

Anonymous said...

Nice photos of the swallows.

Anna said...

Great shots capturing the nest structure!

Lowell said...

I had to read the comments to figure out what they were and what they were doing. Very interesting!

Neil said...

Nice photos of the swallows.

Bhavesh Chhatbar said...

I have come after a long time, Joo! How are you?

You and Piotr have done great photography, really. It is not easy to take photographs of birds this close and personal, like the one in the header.

The swallow bird nest in this post is truly amazing! A few swallow bird couples have created such nests in our housing society too. They are such expert nest builders.

I have +1d this post :)

Bhavesh Chhatbar said...

Joo, I'm a bit concerned that someone may steal some of your valuable photographs. I know that some people do not like free advice, but I am hoping that you are not one of them. My advice is that you watermark your photographs and publish them in small sizes only. Believe me, you won't regret in the future.

Fotokarusellen said...

Very beautiful images, Joo. Well done.

Pat said...

Great shots of the Swallow family!

Sondra said...

Great shots of the family activity!!