This blog is a result of the many hours spent on watching
nature. The photos here were taken by my husband, Piotr, and me during our trips.
Hope you'll enjoy!

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Birds and the city

Sometimes interested in something on the pavement, sometimes concerned on their involving tasks, and sometimes pretending they act in Hitchcock's film, but always great to watch.
For more birds visit World Bird Wednesday


chasity said...

cool shots... love the one by the boat in the water.

theconstantwalker said...

Urban wildlife is always wonderful to see... too many people walk arong with their eyes closed...
Lovely images...

TexWisGirl said...

love the last shot of the flurry of wings. :)

Giga said...

Bardzo mi się podoba ostatnie zdjęcie. Pozdrawiam

Unknown said...

Great series Joo!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Brian King said...

Nice reflections in the second picture! And crows always evoke some image of darkness. Great shots!

mick said...

That's a very nice series of photos.

eileeninmd said...

Great post, the last shot of the gulls is my favorite. Wonderful photos.

holdingmoments said...

Where would be if our cities were birdless? Always good to see them.

Stewart M said...

Hi there - I like the flock picture at the end - lots of life.

Stewart M - Australia

Arija said...

Isn't it great that birds can fly and be in the city as well as the countryside? Nice shots of your city birds.

Cezar and Léia said...

They are beautiful birds, the last picture has so wonderful motion!

NatureFootstep said...

the movie was scary. I´m glad they don´t behave like that. :) Nice shots.

Talibra said...

Trochę tych ptaków w miastach jest, u mnie też :)

Lowell said...

Birds in the city can be awfully pesky and messy (i.e. the 3rd shot), but I don't know what we'd do without them.

Bob Bushell said...

Lovely birds shots.

Rambling Woods said...

It is amazing how some species adapt and even thrive where humans are..of course some other species are having a tough time thanks to us...

Springman said...

Love that last shot. The chaos appeals to me!

Pat said...

Lovely series of urban birds!

Unknown said...

Love the Hitchcock shot, it seems to be a still from the movie! :-)

Malgorzata Ingstad said...

A ja mam zawsze w kieszeni ziarna slonecznika i rzucam im pod nogi i ciesze sie, ze tak wcinaja, te miejskie bidaki.
Tak, te koniki islandskie, zyjace caly rok na lesnych pastwiskach wzruszaja mnie tez. Maluszka jest cudna. Jednak ich wlasciciel postaral sie o zabudowanie o 3 scianach, gdzie moge sie schowac przed najgorszym wiatrem, sniegiem i deszczem. Wczoraj mialy jednak calkiem mokra siersc, sierotki. Niedzielne pozdrowienia!

Magia da Inês said...

❤ Olá!
Passei para uma visitinha.
º° ♥ Na minha cidade só se vê pombas rolinhas e pardais.
Na sua cidade a variedade de aves é maior.
Gostei das suas fotografias.
º°❤ Brasil

Fotokarusellen said...

Beautiful city birds pictures. Well done.

Memoirs of Me & Mine said...

I love these shots. Thanks for sharing.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Ha Joo -- that bottom photo looks like they are trying out for a production of "the Birds"....very nice pix all.

Maria Emilia Moreira said...

São sempre tão belas e elegantes estas aves.

Hilke Breder said...

Catching up: Shots from Hamburg, my birth city! How could I have missed this post! The shots with the gulls on the Alster beautiful!