This blog is a result of the many hours spent on watching
nature. The photos here were taken by my husband, Piotr, and me during our trips.
Hope you'll enjoy!

Monday, 12 December 2011

Give the way!

Give the way, or you'll be in troubles!


Giga said...

Takich lepiej nie spotkać na drodze. Te rogi są zbyt groźne :-). Ostatnie zdjęcie jest śliczne. Pozdrawiam

TexWisGirl said...

beautiful highland cattle! :)

Lowell said...

A bovine highway. Those horns could do some damage! I'll stay out of their way!

Bob Bushell said...

Where have been, I've missed you. And, you caught the Highland Cows, beautiful.

JDS said...

I love the Old World, highlands look of these pictures. Thank you for sharing!

Cezar and Léia said...

They are an adorable team!Cute critters and the landscape is awesome!

theconstantwalker said...

Wonderful images to see..
I hope you are all keeping well..

Inger-M said...

This is so familiar; we get this a lot in Norway when we keep off the main roads, and even on some of those too :-) Great shots!

Kim, USA said...

They are so smart! ^_^

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I'd get out of the way, for sure! Very nice pictures !