This blog is a result of the many hours spent on watching
nature. The photos here were taken by my husband, Piotr, and me during our trips.
Hope you'll enjoy!

Wednesday, 5 September 2012


I probably mentioned many times that owls are my favourite birds, but it's so hard to meet them in wild living in the city! These beauties were spotted and photographed in Opole in Zoo. I'm not sure if they count as wild birds, but visit Wild Birds Wednesday, and  you'll find many wonderful photos there:)


i stora drag said...

Nice photos of the owls! I have never taken any photos of them out there. I think the second one is so cute, closing its eyes like that!
Greetings Pia in Sweden

Cezar and Léia said...

They are adorable and your pictures are wonderful!
Thanks for sharing!

TexWisGirl said...

awesome! you know i love owls, too. :)

Lowell said...

Well, sure they're wild birds. Stuck in a zoo! The owl is one of my favorite bird. We had a couple that lived in a big oak tree in our backyard at our old house in Ocala. I'd shine a strong flashlight up in the tree and they'd just sit there for awhile until they got fed up with the light and then they'd fly off!

Phil Slade said...

They may not be wild but hey who cares when you can get such pretty shots. I love owls.

NatureFootstep said...

great shots. Love the one sitting in the hole in the tree. :)

Bob Bushell said...

Beautiful Owls, and I know how much you love them.

Adam Jones said...

Some really lovely owls. Very nice.

mick said...

Great photos of the owls.

EG CameraGirl said...

I have never gotten a decent photo of an owl so I think it's fair to take photos in a zoo.

Kranky Granny said...

I'm right there with you. Owls are my favorite as well.

We actually have a nesting pair living in a old dead tree right in the middle of our town. Luckly they are on the edge of my brothers property and he is always getting shots of them. I will have to go try to photograph them myself one day.

Thanks for visiting my lunch guest Mr. Sparrow.

Carletta said...

I have never seen one in the wild but I do hear them in our nearby woods. I'd love to be able to photograph one in its natural habitat someday. Who knows.
Your shots are wonderful!

Neil said...

Nice photos of the Owls.

eileeninmd said...

I love the owls too, great shots!

Stewart M said...

Hi there - what great birds owls are - they seem to have such expressive faces!

These birds are not as wild as they could be - but I dont really mind!

Thanks for linking to WBW.

Stewart M - Australia

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Owls are very hard to photograph in the wild! I just tried to take a couple of owl pictures at a wildlife rehab center, but yours are much much better. Thanks for sharing.

Mary Howell Cromer said...

What sweet Owl images~

magiceye said...

aah The wise birds!

Beautifully captured!

Jesús Castellano said...

Bonitas capturas, en especial la primera.
